The structure of KCI includes several groups and individuals who play different roles to support the purpose and intent of Kahnawà:ke Collective Impact.

KCI Support Staff work with the Action Teams, who get guidance and support from the Steering Committee to maintain alignment with KCI’s goals, as the Round Table supports the KCI Support Staff. All moving parts and roles of KCI are working towards projects and initiatives within the six priority areas that were identified by the community of Kahnawà:ke.


Action Teams consist of volunteer community members who form a WORKING GROUP to carry out initiatives under the priority of interest. Action Teams meet weekly or monthly together towards developing, planning, and executing projects and initiatives with the facilitation and support of KCI Support Staff. The Action Teams align with the six priority areas of KCI - Food Sovereignty, Wholistic Health and Wellness for youth, Language and Culture, Kahwáhtsire - Family, Economic Development, and Community Planning.

The Steering Committee directly supports KCI Support Staff and Action Teams. The committee is made up of volunteer community members who take a leadership role in managing and supporting the direction of KCI's projects. The Steering Committee meets monthly to discuss agenda items that will include funding and sponsorship opportunities, Action Team projects and initiatives, Strategic Planning, roles and responsibilities of the Terms of Reference, and more.



KCI's Support Staff directly supports the Action Teams, under the direction of the Steering Committee. Support Staff positions include Project Director, Executive Assistant and Office Manager, Administrative Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, and Action Team Coordinators. KCI also welcomes stage students, and intern positions.